
018Why Were Samurai Strong?

  • Why Samurai Were Strong?

 Samurai were strong because they could act with a sense of purpose (self-concept, life principles, life philosophy, happiness, and the meaning of having one’s own axis).


  • The Bible and Bushido 

The Bible preaches love. Bushido, on the other hand, speaks to the soul.
Originally, Bushido was a set of admonitions passed down from father to son within samurai families. As the Japanese phrase “to be a samurai” suggests, samurai were born into their social roles. Although Japanese people are often considered non-religious, the moral code of Bushido has been influencing them since before the Meiji era due to its cultural significance. According to Inazo Nitobe’s book “Bushido,” it essentially teaches “act altruistically, not selfishly.” This can be summarized in the samurai’s phrase “for the greater good.” In other words, samurai found happiness in working for others and receiving gratitude. They cultivated and elevated their self-concept as deserving individuals and worthy samurai through daily practice. Therefore, in Japan, stories of moral retribution are preferred over mere adventure tales.スクリーンショット 2024-06-14 8.52.59



  • Samurai and the Sword 

For samurai, carrying two swords was essential. One was used for others, and the other for oneself. While they possessed the power to judge, they were also admonished against using their power wrongly.



  • The Role of Zen 

For samurai, Zen was a practice to eliminate the ego, face life and death, and reach transcendence. The teaching of “gratitude” in Zen is also compatible with Bushido.
This way, daily training and the self-concept that supports it are the sources of samurai strength. RICE-Setai adopts this concept, placing value on lifelong prevention rather than just treatment. Like Bushido, it guides individuals to cultivate self-concept, find life’s purpose, and act using the power of habit. Strong self-worth and beliefs build a stronger self.スクリーンショット 2024-06-14 9.09.55

Course Fee Schedule:
1 person, 2 hours: 60,000 yen 

2 people, 3 hours: 120,000 yen 

4 people, 4 hours: 220,000 yen

 Reservations are required.
On the day, we will introduce the principles of Bushido and Zen, perform an examination, and teach self-care using traditional Japanese attire. Experience firsthand why the samurai lifestyle is beneficial to health.


Open from Monday to Sunday starting at 12 PM. Reservations by phone are accepted until 6 PM.

By appointment only.


整体オフィスRICE 〒601-1371 京都府京都市伏見区醍醐上ノ山町20−9 075-575-3800

RICE Chiropractic Office

20-9 Kaminoyama-cho, Daigo, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 601-1371

TEL 075-575-3800


伏見・山科エリアで整体なら「ライス整体院」 PAGETOP